

Welcome to the Nuxt Store, including premium products to ship Nuxt apps at a faster pace while making Nuxt open source development sustainable.

Nuxt UI Pro

$249.00 - $999.00

Nuxt UI Pro is a collection of Vue components, composables and utils built on top of Nuxt UI, oriented on structure and layout and designed to be used as building blocks for your app. It is shipped with ready to use templates: Dashboard, SaaS, Docs and Landing Nuxt UI Pro is already used in production on many apps, we're confident that it will help you build your app faster and better, with 10x less code.

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Nuxt UI Pro - Figma Kit

$149.00 - $349.00

Get two Figma kits with all Nuxt UI Pro v2 and Nuxt UI Pro v3 (beta) components to design your next application before coding. Everything you need, from wire-framing to high-fidelity web integration. Preview Nuxt UI Pro v3 in FigmaPreview Nuxt UI Pro v2 in Figma This Figma kit is perfect for working hand-in-hand between design and frontend teams 🚀

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